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Big Bold Immunity

Dec 12, 2019

Whether it’s little bumps, big rashes, or a special glow, your skin can tell a story. It’s easy to think about skin only as an external organ, but—in fact—it is systemically connected to the rest of the body, and therefore it’s more accurate to think of skin as a reflection of overall health and function. Trevor Cates is a naturopathic physician—the first woman to be licensed as such in the state of California—and she is famously known as “The Spa Doctor.” How do you make the right choices for your skin every day and over the course of your lifespan? Get clarity about sun exposure, product ingredients, and the aging process—listen now!


Show Notes:

Dr. Trevor Cates believes your skin needs outer and inner nourishment. Visit her website to learn more about her bestselling books, her popular podcast, and her natural skin care line: